Services Nominations       Submit your Votes   
Welcome to SunHerald People's Choice Awards - Services Voting

It's Time to Vote!

How does it work?

Please Register First.

1Go to the "Registration" Tab to Register. Then, log in with your information.

2. Once you're registered and logged in, go to the "Vote" tab to begin entering your votes in each of the 5 Categories: 

3. Once you have finished entering your Votes in one category, click "Submit" and you will be taken to the next category.

While we encourage you to submit a votes for every category, it is not a requirement.

How long do I have to submit Votes?
We will be accepting Votes from Friday April 22nd - Friday May 6th.

What does the winner receive?
Recognition! The winner from each category will receive a write-up in our "People's Choice Awards" publication. 

The 2 runner ups in each category will be mentioned in the publication as well.



All times are in Central Standard Time.            Completed            Current           Future   
Submission Period
Fri, Apr 22 2016 12:00 AM - Fri, May 06 2016 11:59 PM
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2016 People's Choice Awards - Voting - Service

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